I was fortunate to be invited by Lance to help him represent Disabled Explorers the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. I’ve seen pictures of past shows, and it is an outrageous and massive event despite being closed to the general public. Our hope was to get the word out about Disabled Explorers and hopefully make contact in person with sponsors!

Our booth…

The whole thing was a huge success for us! We met with many different companies and individuals.

Back at the booth, the big interest item (even more response than the truck, believe it or not) was Corbin’s hand cycle…

There were a few companies and people at the show that I knew from other things in the offroad world, like the Overland Journal people and BajaRack! It was cool to see a picture of my truck that I took during the summer being used at the BajaRack booth…

The BajaRack FJ was looking good…

Other items of interest at the show included Tom Sheppard’s truck…

…the bizzarre FJ pickup thing…

…the amazingly hideous ‘FJRunner’…

…and a nicely built FJ outside.

The way to the show was pretty cool as well. It was my first time ever to the Hoover Dam and the first time I’d ever heard of let alone seen the incredibly massive bridge they’re putting in across from it.