Winnipeg, MB
The start of the day in Winnipeg was VERY interesting… I’d stayed the night at a Comfort Inn near the airport thinking that would be an easy way to relax, use the internet, and be right where I needed to be in the morning. When morning came around though, there was quite the commotion in the parking lot where I’d left the FJ… turns out tons of vehicles back there had their tires slashed! For some reason that I will never fully comprehend, nearly all the cars at the hotel had been vandalized except mine. I’d have thought that expensive-looking tires, huge canvas box on the roof, and gas cans would make me a vandalism gold mine, but thankfully not that night.
Car next to mine…
I spent the first part of the day bringing to Canada a great hobby we have here in the US – burning gasoline by driving huge trucks through cities for no reason. Call it ‘urban exploration.’ I found this very stately government building downtown with a nice park across the street from it.
There were some really nice residential areas here and there as well. In one particular spot, it seemed as if each block had it’s own small lake in the center for the residents to enjoy…